Mama Laoshi and team have worked with teachers and experts to devlelop various kind of offline resources for our families. They are not only based on our education beliefs, but also an offline extension of our online content. We will continue to update the page to provide more resources for everyone!
Popular Topics
Based on our most viewed videos/podcast, here are some printables that we developed as an extension of children's learning for each topics.
Inspirational quotes
Based on our popular motivational posters, these coloring pages emobody 6 classic yet meaingful Chinese insipirationa quotes. A video link is included to teach the kids what each quote means, all done by one and only Mama Laoshi!
這些著色頁是以媽媽老師設計的勵志海報為基礎,包含了 6 句經典而有意義的中文勵志小語。內容也包含一個視頻鏈接,由媽媽老師和Winter同學一起教孩子們每句話的含義,不要錯過囉!
Social Emotional Learning
These printables are designed to help your little ones identify our different facial expressions as well as emotions, including happiness, sadness, anger, fear, peacefulness, and love. Kids will learn to express their feelings and better understand the emotions of others. To learn more, watch this Mama Laoshi video together with you children: